2 years of Love Style Mindfulness

2 Years of Love Style Mindfulness - IllustrationPin this image on Pinterest

Two years ago I started my own little piece of the internet called “Love Style Mindfulness” and never could I have imagined what an incredible thing it would become and how much it would alter my life for the better. I had to do a post to celebrate the fact that I have now been doing this for two years and the incredible opportunities and experiences that have come my way so far. Not least the fact that it now allows me to work for myself doing something I love every day. Not many people can say that and I never forget how lucky I am that I can!

So to celebrate the past two years I thought I would write down my top 3 moments from my blogging experience that have truly made me take a step back and thing wow. I’ve also got a competition for one of my lovely loyal readers so stay tuned for that! So the moments . .

Celebrating International Womens Day with Pandora

Pandora is a brand I have always loved and brought into before I even started my blogging journey so to not only be working with them but to also be chosen as one of a select few to attend a meal for international womens day was an honour to say the least.

Breakfast at The Lanesborough with Farfetch X Aquazzurra

I have always been a fan of luxury items but it wasn’t until late last year that I finally got my grubby mits on a Chloe bag. Since then I’ve fallen hard and to be invited to go for breakfast and work with a luxury brand like Farfetch was something I could never have seen myself doing 2 years ago. Hell I wouldn’t even have believed you if you’d told me I’d own my own designer bag back then!

Staying in The Cotswolds with L’oreal for The Launch of a New Range

Being selected as one of 10 girls to experience the new Botanicals range in the incredible setting of The Thyme Estate was beyond amazing. With other guests including Lydia Millen and Anneli Bush I have to admit I did have that imposter feeling of “why me?” but the whole experience was amazing and to be chosen gave me a real moment of realisation on how far I’d come.

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2 Years of Love Style Mindfulness - Fashion IllustrationPin this image on Pinterest

Love Style Mindfulness 2 Year Competition

To mark the celebration of my blog’s 2 year birthday Helen Hird created one of her incredible illustrations of me in one of my favourite looks from LFW. And the best bit? One of you can win the chance to have Helen create your very own personalised illustration! All you have to do is make sure you’re following me on Bloglovin’ and leave me a comment below to let me know you’ve done it and that you’re entering the competition!

I can’t wait to see who wins and what masterpiece she creates! I will leave it open for 1 week and the winner will be announced in the comments of this post! So keep your eyes peeled!

Good luck and thankyou for all of your lovely support over the past two years because without you lovely lot I wouldn’t be able to do my dream job!

Sinead x

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  1. 27th March 2017 / 9:40 am

    Happy two year blog anniversary babe – what you have achieved is UH-MAZING! xxx

    • Sinead
      27th March 2017 / 11:28 am

      Oh you babe! Thanks so much!

  2. Sinead
    27th March 2017 / 11:26 am

    Thanks so much babe! So kind of you! Long may it continue!

  3. Victoria H
    27th March 2017 / 12:54 pm

    Happy two year blogging anniversary!!! What a fantastic achievement 🙂 x

  4. Claire Cavanagh
    27th March 2017 / 1:21 pm

    Well done on an amazing two years! I love Helen’s illustrations too so what a lovely prize 🙂

    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:48 am

      Oh amazing! Good luck lovely I will announce the winner later on today!

  5. Lisa Autumn
    27th March 2017 / 1:26 pm

    OH YAY Congrats lovely! I am obsessed with your blog!

    xx Lisa

    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:47 am

      Thanks so much babe this means the world to me!

  6. Rosie Butcher
    27th March 2017 / 8:50 pm

    Hi Ya, Following you on blog lovin and would love one of these illustrations so I can frame it and have it on my wall as one of my “the secret” visualisations as a top photographer 🙂 xx congrats on two years. You have done fabulously! xx

    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:47 am

      Oh that would be amazing!

  7. 27th March 2017 / 9:35 pm

    I stalk your blog and Instagram on a daily basis and it’s so god damn refreshing to see a woman working for herself, doing what she loves and without fear of judgement. Happy second birthday Sinead, you’re my fucking hero. X

    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:46 am

      Thanks so much babe! You are AMAZING! Love you x

  8. 27th March 2017 / 10:33 pm

    Happy birthday to Love, Style, Mindfulness! You’re obviously doing amazing job with this blog and certainly deserve all the amazing opportunities that have come with it ♥︎ Keep it up girl, this is definitely one of my favourite blogs and I always love coming back to read new posts! And that illustration is just gorgeous, following you also on Bloglovin obviously 😉 xx

    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:46 am

      Thanks so much hun, so kind of you to say so and thank you so much for all of your support!

  9. Martha Jane Edwards
    28th March 2017 / 4:01 pm

    I only discovered your blog a few months ago, but I fell head over heels and seeing how much you’ve grown even in the time I’ve been following you is so inspiring! Congratulations <3 Fingers crossed for the competition! x

    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:45 am

      Oh babe thanks so much this means the world to me!

  10. Rachel Emily
    28th March 2017 / 5:04 pm

    Congratulations on 2 years, I’ve loved following your blog and watching it grow. Thank you for providing some much needed sunday reading which has become an escape for me. My blog is coming up to 2 years at the end of the year and I can only hope to have a proportion of the success you have,
    I have my fingers crossed for the comp.


    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:45 am

      Thanks so much lovely and congratulations on 2 years of your blog too! It’s crazy how much the blogging industry in general has grown in the past 2 years!

  11. 31st March 2017 / 4:22 pm

    Well done on making your dreams a reality! It gives me so much pleasure seeing bloggers who I love make it in the big world. My blog’s celebrated its 1st birthday this January and I can understand how much it means seeing it grow and knowing people enjoy our ramblings. Yours was one of the very first ones I started reading and you’re to be blamed for quite a few of my purchases ? Best of luck for the future (and to all of us keeping our fingers crossed for this competition ?).

    Maya | londondamsel.co.uk

    • Sinead
      3rd April 2017 / 9:41 am

      Thanks so much hun that’s super kind of you!!!!

  12. Deborah Ferrero
    4th April 2017 / 9:36 pm

    Happy Bloggiversary and congrats for all the amazing achivements you experienced thanks to your awesome blog. My blog is celebrating its 4th anniversary this month but I have to say it’s kinda bittersweet because I don’t have big milestones to share and my dream of making a full time job out of my blog still looks far and distant. I don’t even know what I’m doing wrong… 🙁 Anyway dear, I’m happy to see other fellow bloggers making it in the industry and I just hope someday I have a happy bloggiversary like yours.
    Kisses from Argentina!

    • Sinead
      18th April 2017 / 5:40 pm

      Ah thanks so much lovely! I am sure you will VERY soon! Good luck with everything!

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