The Life of a Gemini | Thomas Sabo Charm Club

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The life of a Gemini, basically the devil twins. OK just the twins but I like to think of them as the devil twins because us Geminis are pretty damn crazy. Maybe I’m just speaking about myself here. Anyway, when it comes to just about anything in life I change my mind as often as the wind and that is precisely why Thomas Sabo Generation Charm Club has become my go to.

Thomas Sabo Charm Club Gold Necklace Pin this image on Pinterest
Thomas Sabo Charm Club Gold Charm NecklacePin this image on Pinterest

The Gemini Life

Whenever we talk about star signs in the family my sister always pipes up “Can’t you tell she’s a Gemini, two faced, double personality” and I bloody hate her for it. But it’s true. Generally when you search Gemini the twins represent more of an indecisive nature which let’s be honest I also have, but I am definitely two faced/split personality and with age I’ve learnt to embrace that fact that yes, I’m frickin crazy. One moment I’ll be smiling and laughing and my fiance only has to say something in the wrong tone for me to go into the darkest of moods and I won’t talk to him for the next 10 minutes. Secretly I think he loves the fact that I’m clinically insane. That’s just me. Remember that Alanis Morrisette song I’m a bitch I’m a lover I’m a child I’m your mother I’m a sinner I’m a saint . . yep, that’s me.

Anyway, aside from my mood swings, split personality, utter craziness, I’m a total sweetheart! haha! But really. The indecisiveness that comes with the Gemini territory kills me! I can’t even decide if I want ketchup or mayo with my fries (always both for the record) let alone what I’m going to wear tomorrow morning. Silver or Gold? I want both. Short necklace or long? Stack em up. Dainty or chunky? Ask me tomorrow. This is why I’ve learnt to love my Thomas Sabo Generation Charm Club jewellery. You can have it all.

Thomas Sabo Generation Charm Club

You may remember a while back I posted about my new Thomas Sabo silver layered necklace with charms to match? This time I went gold, I went chunky, I went different.

The chain on the gold necklace is super fun and not like anything I’ve seen before, it sort of reminds me of a paper chain in the best way possible. I’ve definitely found myself leaning more to gold jewellery these days so this is the perfect update to my collection and though yes I did get a cheeky new charm in honour of my Gemini traits, the star sign charm, I can mix it up with my old ones. I said before I love gold and silver together so you can see I’ve mixed them perfectly with the evil eye charm on the same necklace. I’m even considering layering my delicate silver chain with this chunky gold style to make a super cute neck situation.

I’ve even been debating adding charms up the length of the paper chain esque necklace. what do you think!? Too much? I love the possibilities, it’s so much fun to switch and change dependant on my mood. I have this really cute silver wishbone charm too, I think this is one I’d wear when I have something important going on, I’m very superstitious!

I’d love to hear if you guys read star signs and thing that you can relate to yours! I know people don’t necessarily believe in them and I 100% don’t believe in the columns they put at the end of magazines, not that it stops me from reading them all the time. But when you search your star sign there’s so many similarities! It even said Sagittarius is my best match and my Fiance is a Sagittarius! How creepy!

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Thomas Sabo Charm Club Evil Eye NecklacePin this image on Pinterest
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Thomas Sabo Charm Club Gemini Charm NecklacePin this image on Pinterest
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*This post is in sponsored by Thomas Sabo.
All thoughts opinions and creative direction are my own.


1 Comment

  1. Frances Kayleigh
    16th February 2018 / 2:25 pm

    LOVING the chain style of this necklace! It’s so unusual but so nice. I love that Thomas Sabo are reviving their charms a bit! I’m definitely keen to try them out now! I remember seeing their Charm Club ads in Glamour about 10 years ago and always lusting after them! xx

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