Blogger Problems \\ Green isn’t your Colour

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I know I can’t be the only blogger who deals with this and if you don’t then you’re a bloody saint, envy. I mean, don’t get me wrong the blogging community is ridiculously friendly and helpful and everyday I’m astounded at how much people help each other out. There truly is room for everyone and most bloggers are more than happy to share their secrets and help one another out.

Despite this, I constantly find myself comparing my instagram feed to someone else’s theirs is so clean! They have so many followers on twitter and more comments on their blog. At the end of the day these kind of thoughts are completely ridiculous and serve only to bring you down, they’re 100% counter productive!

I feel like it’s even more obvious for me at the moment when I’m seeing how many people are jetting off to NYFW, PFW, MFW and even to our very own LFW. I often have to remind myself that I’ve not even been doing this for a year and as a wise man once said “don’t compare your beginning to somebody else’s middle or end“. I really need to take my own advice and remember that actually, I should be proud of what I’ve achieved in such a short time period! Go me!

Do you suffer from the occasional spout of envy? What do you do to deal with it?

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  1. Robyn Taylor
    4th October 2015 / 11:36 pm

    I literally get such envy! Whether it be followers numbers (we all do it) or like quality of blog photos or anything! I go through periods of feeling all glum about it, then sometimes you just need a kick up the bum to tell you to get a grip. I think its totally normal in the blogging community though as we all want the same thing – and thats readers/followers/brands to work with etc etc.

    Robyn xo

    • Sinead
      5th October 2015 / 10:16 pm

      I know what you mean! I’m in awe of people who can manage all of the different social media bits! I have focused so much on instagram that my twitter and bloglovin are none existent! It’s hard to find the balance and when you see people doing it all I’m just like HOW!?

  2. Karen Morland
    17th November 2015 / 8:14 pm

    You should be so proud of your blog, it’s beautiful! I am a 38yo mum of two who works part time on a parenting website and am attempting to blog about well being, I have not much fashion sense or style so I look to blogs yours to get ideas on how to put together looks and outfits, I’m desperately trying to always achieve that cool, edgy mama look and failing lol! Anyway my point is your little space here on the internet is welcoming, honest real and easy to follow, when I read your posts and look at your photos I feel like I can achieve something similar (and slightly mum friendly!) and not feel like it’s out of my league, that means a lot to me and I’m sure it does with your other readers, you really connect through your posts, I see your up for a blogging award too, good for you, I wish the best of luck and thank you again for giving me some fashion inspiration I may be able to pass on to my two daughters one day!

    • Sinead
      18th November 2015 / 11:51 am

      Thank you so much for your comment Karen! It’s so lovely to hear that someone reads and appreciates my blog, actually finding it helpful! I hope you continue to read and enjoy it 🙂 x

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