How To Make Primark Look Expensive
I have to admit that I stopped the majority of my shopping in Primark around the time I got my first proper job after university and since then it usually has the same effect on me as the sale rail. I hate clutter and crowds so unless I’ve seen a killer piece on insta I avoid it like the plague and since you can’t shop Primark online like you can the sale rails, me and Primark have lost our connection along the way. I did however get quite a few requests for a Primark haul which although intriguing (not just for the fact that they get good views because lets be honest for a minute, it did cross my mind) it just never felt like it was right for my style and channel. I mean I don’t shop there so why should I do a haul? Someone then pointed out to me that they’d be super interested to see how I would style up Primark pieces to fit in with my style and what I would pick up. This could work. Enter Primark Haul.