How to build your Instagram following

How to build your Instagram followingPin this image on Pinterest

Seen as you guys were loving my ‘how I edit my Instagram photos‘ post from last week, I thought I would share some more of my tips, this time focusing on some of my top tips to build your Instagram following. Everyone loves a good list so here goes:

Have a theme

Obviously don’t be too obsessed with this, I mean there’s people I’ve noticed who constantly delete and re post pictures in the quest for the ‘perfect feed’. I do however think it’s important to have a theme for your Instagram. When I look on a feed I like to instantly know what the person is about, first impressions definitely count when it come’s to instagram. If there’s a clear style and I like it then I’m definitely more likely to hit follow!

Be active but don’t spam

I think there’s a fine line between being proactive in posting on Instagram and being a spammer. I’m not being funny but if you logged into Instagram and all you saw were my pictures clogging up your feed you’d definitely unfollow me right? You do however, still want to have a presence! I’ve found that since I started posting less often (before I was guilty of being a total spammer – I’m talking 6 or 7 times a day) not only have my followers gone up, but my un-followers have gone down meaning the followers I do get I’m keeping. I would say between 1-4 pictures is a good amount, I usually post between 2 and 3.

Get friendly

Instagram is a social network, so get social guys! You’d be amazed at how far a comment or a couple of likes can go, it’s great for creating a little community and who doesn’t love getting comments? Liking peoples posts and clicking through means not only can you discover some great bloggers but they can discover you too. Again, no spamming guys!

When to post

Everyone has a different opinion on this, some people say to evenly spread your posts, my sister however says “Americas not up until 3pm”. I mean I won’t not post because of the time but if I have an important post I’ll definitely wait until the late afternoon or evening, lets face it most people aren’t using social media at work so hit them in the evening!

Hashtags are your friends

Use hashtags! I know it can be cringey when you think about it, I definitely felt awkward doing it to begin with. but just think of it like when people search on google, if they search on instagram fblogger and you’ve added that hashtag then it will appear in the search. It only shows the most recent posts so after an hour I delete mine.

Be public

This may seem like the most simple tip, but don’t be putting your instagram account on private if you want to show up on any pages. Like I said before, people like to see a preview of your style before they hit follow so being private will always result in less followers.

Don’t forget to follow me on Bloglovin’ to keep up to date




  1. 24th October 2015 / 11:37 pm

    Great post lovely – hashtags really are your friend – and totally worth your friends telling you how lame your hashtag game is. #ilovea#

    • Sinead
      25th October 2015 / 9:10 am

      100% worth it, they just don’t get it!

    • Sinead
      2nd December 2015 / 9:15 pm

      Once you do you will be so pleased you did! Honestly it worked wonders for me!

  2. Rachel Oliver
    15th February 2016 / 9:09 pm

    aah some really great tips, such a useful blog post!

    • 17th February 2016 / 10:49 am

      Glad you liked it hun! Hope you can put some into action!

  3. Danielle
    27th February 2016 / 8:47 am

    awesome tips! thanks for sharing <3

    Life in Pastel

    • 27th February 2016 / 3:19 pm

      Glad you liked it! Hope you found it helpful hun! I’m actually on youtube now and hoping to do a blogging q&a VERY soon so make sure you subscribe and keep an eye out!

  4. Lisa
    2nd May 2016 / 10:24 pm

    I find building an Instagram following soo hard!! But these are great tips 🙂 especially with the timing!
    Thanks for sharing your account is goals!
    Lisa xx

    • 8th May 2016 / 4:24 pm

      Ah I’m glad you liked it lovely! I hope you can put these tips to good use!

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