Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

The blogging industry seems to constantly be under a judging microscope from the rest of the media world and that’s not where it stops. There’s also the other bloggers, ready to call you out on whether something is by the book and females in general who will troll you for photoshopping a zit out. With all of the pressure whilst still trying to keep your unique voice it’s easy to start doubting yourself. Enter Imposter Syndrome

Imposter SyndromeImposter Syndrome

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Imposter Syndrome

I’m super grateful that so many people take the precious time out of their days to come and read what little old me has to say. But with that pride comes responsibility and I honestly sometimes fear what if I’m not cool enough? Cool isn’t a word I would ever use to describe myself and GOALS is saved for the likes of Sarah Ashcroft . . lets just say my eyeliner will never be on fleek and I’ve only just started going to a salon to get my eyebrows plucked . . what? no one else’s Mum did theirs till they were 26?!

So with all of this being said, the point I’m trying to get to (and will eventually) is that I sometimes (often) feel a bit out of place in this industry. I don’t live in London, I don’t have a collection of Gucci handbags . . hell I don’t even have my own house. I can’t help having the feeling that I don’t belong, that all of this could end at any minute, suddenly someone will turn around and say “WAIT! Don’t listen to her! She wears cotton pants from M&S and lives with her mother!”.

It was when I mentioned this to my Mum earlier, (yes I spend 80% of my time with her) that she pointed out that most people have this feeling in general life. She confessed to having imposter syndrome when she got a new job, got a husband and even when she had children. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that maybe we’re all just swans, elegantly floating along whilst our feet paddle like mad under the surface to keep up appearances, hoping that no one will call us out. Maybe no-one really has it together.

Outfit Details

*Top : Hush
Cardigan : Zara OLD / Alternative here
Jeans : Asos
*Loafers : Boden
Bag : Chloe / Affordable Alternative Here and Here
*Cage Ring : Merci Maman
*Circle Ring : &OtherStories
*Knot Ring : &OtherStories
*Short Necklace : Missoma
*Long Horn Necklace : Missoma

Camera : Samsung
Lens : Samsung

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Imposter SyndromePin this image on Pinterest
Imposter SyndromePin this image on Pinterest

I’m literally in love with my new t shirt from Hush. You all know how much I love a basic and ever since I started following Natalie from Woah Style (check her out she’s amazing) I’ve really got into star print. I feel like this is the perfect way to try it out as it’s not all over so you can dip you’re toe in. And yes that is another cardigan . . it’s a staple though so you can never have too many right?!

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Imposter SyndromePin this image on Pinterest

Chunky Cardigan Heaven

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If you didn’t already know I’m not on youtube! You can check out my channel where I am doing at least one video a week here!



  1. 31st January 2017 / 9:59 am

    It’s so easy to feel like an outsider. Following all you amazing bloggers with a huge following always makes me feel small and insignificant. While I completely understand how much hard work it takes to get yourself out there and grow engagement, it sometimes seems pretty daunting. And like you say, everybody seems to have a gorgeous house, a huge collection of designer bags (and shoes) and there are moments when you ask yourself “What the heck am I even doing (in my trackies may I add), might as well plonk myself on the sofa and binge watch Gilmore Girls”. ☺️

    But whenever I feel like that I remind myself that the reason why I started blogging was because I LOVE to write. Being a very visual person (with no artistic flair whatsoever) I always appreciated good photography and blogging gives me the chance to learn about it. It’s taught me about digital marketing, creating my own voice (and fake marble background) and introduced me to at least 10 amazing people who I would have never met if it hadn’t been for my blog. And yes, while I don’t own a Gucci handbag and spend most of my home time in a comfy jumper dress, no makeup and my nose stuck in a book, I know I’m terribly lucky to be where and who I am.

    Keep up with the fab work and hats off to your mum for her amazing eye and photography skill ☺️

    Maya |

    • Sinead
      31st January 2017 / 7:54 pm

      Isn’t it just so overwhelming! I think its so important to remember that you are your USP! No one can be you so if you’re you then you’ll always do well from that!

  2. 31st January 2017 / 12:55 pm

    Okay 1: This outfit is AMAZING! I need that star tee in my life and 2: I literally can relate so much and that’s why people love you! Here’s to not owning 100 Guccis (Ahh someday) and being you – so easy to feel out of place sometimes, especially when it seems like you’re the only one ‘not wearing this’ or ‘not doing that’ – You’re your own goals! x

    • Sinead
      31st January 2017 / 7:53 pm

      Isn’t it just a whirlwind!? I can’t lie I do want the Gucci bag though!

    • Sinead
      31st January 2017 / 7:52 pm

      Thanks so much hun! Super casual right!?

  3. Nichole
    31st January 2017 / 6:48 pm

    I can relate to you so much in this post! & for that your blog is gold. Don’t worry about not being like everyone else, your readers will love you for you. As for the fashion side of this post…I’m not great with fashion. Hence why I’ll probably become an avid reader. Seriously, need to step up my game in that area of life! Wonderful post, and you are gorgeous!
    xx Nichole

    • Sinead
      31st January 2017 / 7:45 pm

      Ah thanks so much lovely! I’m so glad you agree I think that we’re all just winging it really aren’t we!

  4. Sinead
    31st January 2017 / 7:52 pm

    Isn’t it amazing!?

  5. Sinead
    31st January 2017 / 7:55 pm

    Thanks so much lovely! You’re too kind to me! And yes! We’re all just winging it really!

  6. 31st January 2017 / 9:47 pm

    Love this, its so relatable and honestly that is something I look for when I read a blog. Just keep being genuinely you don’t worry about if you don’t think you fit a trolls idea of what a blogger is. 🙂 Loved the outfit in this piece as well.

    • Sinead
      5th February 2017 / 10:37 pm

      Thanks so much babe! I’m so glad you enjoy my content xx

  7. 31st January 2017 / 11:38 pm

    The blogging community is such a lovely place but it can also be quite dangerous too, I think! All I can say is that you shouldn’t feel like an imposter because your content is so amazing and you deserve so much success!

    Lynnsay x

    • Sinead
      5th February 2017 / 10:36 pm

      This is such a lovely comment! Thanks so much for this!

  8. Ali Bailey
    1st February 2017 / 8:44 am

    Just read your post and it rings so true to me and my own life. I always have to remind myself that social media is an “edited” version of people’s lives. We all have insecurities and problems in life. I love your honesty. Thank you

    • Sinead
      5th February 2017 / 10:35 pm

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it hun!

  9. Danish Pastry
    1st February 2017 / 2:43 pm

    We all feel like this from time to time. I sometimes think “they’ll find out that I’m not good at my job soon”, but then somebody I respect says something positive, and I get over it, luckily. It’s just the nudge I need.

    • Sinead
      5th February 2017 / 10:34 pm

      Totally agree! All you need is that one email!

  10. 1st February 2017 / 3:12 pm

    I feel like this a lot too. Blogging from your parents’ spare room from a less than metropolitan location isn’t all that glamorous, but you’d be surprised how many are in the same situation. I think we need to let go of this ideal lifestyle behind blogging. Reading about someone who is relatable makes me more likely to come back. That’s why I like you blog so much.
    Thank you for sharing!

    Laura x

    • Sinead
      5th February 2017 / 10:33 pm

      I totally agree!!!

  11. 1st February 2017 / 3:44 pm

    I couldn’t agree with you anymore – I think we all suffer from Imposter Syndrome, just a little bit at least. We all try to appear put together, like we have it all, and like we totally belong in our job/family/blogosphere whilst feeling like we most definitely do not. It’s okay to feel like you don’t belong, but know that you do. You belong anywhere you want to be, as long as what you are doing is making you happy, I say! x x

    • Sinead
      5th February 2017 / 10:33 pm

      So well said hun! x

  12. 3rd February 2017 / 2:12 pm

    Exactly how I feel and I’ve just started out! I wrote a piece a few weeks ago on blogger shaming and reasons why I started blogging in the first place. I think, even though it is oversaturated and they are plenty of inspiring bloggers killing it already (and then some), it’s so important to remember there’s only one of you. Plenty of women will appreciate your authenticity – after all, not all of us can afford Topshop handbags at the best of times, let alone Balenciaga. I know it’s easier said than done, especially when we all look to others in the blogging industry for inspiration, but there’s nothing good that can come out of comparing ourselves to others. Their five year chapter will look very different to our first! Anddd I for one find it perhaps more realistic and humble to think you’re living at home with your brother and your mum and living out your dreams as only you can. Home is a wonderful place, and for as long as it inspires you enjoy it for all it is. Your handbags and home ownership will come when the time’s right X

    • Sinead
      5th February 2017 / 10:18 pm

      Thanks so much for such an amazing and lovely comment hun! I really appreciate you taking the time to write to me and I totally agree! Whilst it’s lovely to have things to aspire to the bloggers I love the most are those that I can relate to and see as “real” people! xx

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