The New CMA Rules. AD? GIFTED? SPON?
I’ve been debating writing this post because A/ there’s so much information from way more reliable sources out there and b/ I’m terrified of telling someone the wrong thing and them getting in trouble so before I get into it, let me just make it super clear that this is how I interprit the rules from the CMA and ASA and how I will be declaring them! If you’re an influencer or you follow an influencer (for the record, me and ever other “influencer” despise that word) then you probably have already seen or heard about the new rules and how they are pretty darn extensive. I personally am all for being clear with your audience and though I haven’t tried to mislead, perhaps I have by not being 100% clear on gifted items. However, I do think that there becomes a point when it’s all about too much.
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