Styling Tips | The Art of Sizing up or Down

Styling Tips - Lace Trim Cami

There’s an art to buys clothes that fit you in a way that flatters you. Now I’m not talking about fitting you in a way that shows off your figure or compliments your waist. More in a way that shows off your style and enhances your best bits. As a stylist, I never went for the size that it said on the tin, I love to play around with proportion finding the size that looked best on me, be it a 6 or a 16, if I want to size up or down to change the style to my own taste, that’s my prerogative.

Now before I start on this post I just want to shout from the rooftops . . AMAZING NEWS!! I’ve been nominated for Fashion Blogger of the Year by Blogosphere Magazine!!! If you love my blog then be sure to vote for me here! Thanks so much in advance! Your guys continued love and support means THE WORLD to me and honestly I couldn’t do anything I do without you! If I could find a way to thank each one of you individually then I bloody well would!

Styling Tips - Beige Trench Coat Styling Tips - Gucci Dupe Chunky Knit

Styling Tips | The Art of Sizing Up or Down

So back to the styling tips. I shan’t give too much away as it’s all in the video and I find it much easier to explain things by talking than to write but this video was suggested by one of you lovely lot and for that reason, I am super excited to share! She asked me to explain which items I always size up or down in and talk about the different ways in which I prefer to wear certain things. I never really saw this as something that any one would be interested to know but I guess the fact that I only really wear Mens t-shirts might surprise you?!

Remember to let me know if you have any video ideas, any styling tips or tags you want me to do and I am more than happy to oblige!

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Full details of all outfits & alternatives can be found in the description box on my Youtube channel!

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  1. 10th May 2017 / 8:07 pm

    I’m so glad I found your blog via these awards! I definitely love sizing up – sometimes the number on the label is just irrelevant.

    T x

    • Sinead
      19th May 2017 / 12:23 am

      Ah yay thanks so much for coming over lovely and I’m so glad you love my blog! That makes me so happy!

  2. Rachel Emily
    11th May 2017 / 3:28 pm

    I love this post, we should concentrate less on what the number on the label says and more on how great that item of clothing makes us feel regardless. I adore buying jumpers to be oversized as it just makes them so cosy!

    Rachel |

    • Sinead
      19th May 2017 / 12:23 am

      Yes! It’s so much more important to be comfortable and confident!

  3. 14th May 2017 / 8:42 pm

    I tend to buy things no matter what the size. If I like something but they only have a 16 and I’m an 8 I will buy it anyway and kind of make it work

    • Sinead
      19th May 2017 / 12:21 am

      Agreed! Who cares what the label says!

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