The Friendship Bracelet
To me, a friendship bracelet has always been a cheap piece of string I buy when I go on holiday in memory of the time and place, to look back at that moment and smile. I usually loose them after a week, 2 if I’m lucky but its fine because I have the photos if I ever want to look back at them right?
I’ve often seen Links of London esque bracelets on holiday and have to admit to purchasing in the past from lucky lucky men but all I end up with is some brown fabric on rotting metal and a green arm to show for it. What I love about the real Links of London bracelets is that they truly signify an unbreakable bond. Once you put the bracelet on, there’s no need to remove it. Made from quality metals you know it’s not going to turn your arm green, take it swimming, in the shower, scuba diving (all activities I plan to embark on) and the quality stays.
Memories That Last
You have to know by now that I’m going travelling this week, Sunday to be exact!! Although I’ve been getting excited about going away and exploring new places, I’m a home girl at heart. I’ve never been one to travel far and going for a long period of time wasn’t something that appealed to me, yet now with my boyfriend it seems like the right time and who better to experience it with?
That doesn’t mean that I still won’t get homesick the second I step on that plane though. For my dog that greets me when I walk in the door and wakes me up in the morning, for my family who I still live with at the age of 26 and for my best friends who live just 5 minutes walk up the road.
This is why I don’t see the Links of London friendship bracelet like others that will be lost in just a couple of weeks, this ones staying. From the moment I put it on my wrist it wont leave me and I know that whenever I look at it I can remember my friends and family whilst knowing that I’m going to have the most amazing adventure. Even after the adventure, I can keep the bracelet when I’m back with my friends and it will remind me of the trip, rather than buying a zillion rope bracelets (not promising I wont) that will eventually fade and disappear, this will always be an amazing reminder of my adventure of a lifetime, my boyfriend who I spent it with, and my friends and family who keep me strong.