Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to the whatsmysofa event hosted by Next. They definitely know how to put on a good event and this one was no exception.
As I was allowed a guest I thought I’d bring along one of my besties for some much needed girl time and make the most of a day out in London. Wardrobe and parking dilemmas meant that we were running precisely 2 hours late by the time we actually got there but we definitely had more than enough time to kill. To be honest top of my agenda was checking out the new H&M beauty range, and not spending too much money.
Rosie had seen this amazing restaurant called Clos Maggiore in Time Out so we decided to try it out, when we got to the event we were informed by the Next girls that it’s one of the top places to go in London at the moment which we were pretty pleased with ourselves about! The food was incredible and who the hell cares about the food when the resteraunt looks like this!?After stuffing ourselves on squid and truffle mash – sounds weird but it worked, we decided to walk off the food babies with a light stroll from Covent Garden to Oxford Circus. Oh so foolish, my feet were bleeding, next time I decide to do something like this I’m wearing trainors! Ouch is all I have to say, we literally couldn’t take another step by the time we left the next event and resorted to an Uber then hobbling through Kings Cross to find our train! I’m not even over reacting when I say Rosie’s feet swelled to twice the size, I’ve never seen anything like it!!!
Anyway, £90 lighter and 1 Zara coat heavier we headed to the event which was uh-mazing. What more do you want to do after a hard days eating and shopping than kick of your shoes with a glass of champagne, popcorn, pick ‘n’ mix and breakfast at tiffany’s ? Such a lovely event! and as always I came away with a bag of treats, old school snowies and jazzies, honestly the softest blanket I’ve ever felt and a lovely candle! All in all a good day!
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I’d always wanted to try Clos Maggiore when I was in London – I’ve heard great things about the food. I’ll have to try it next time I’m in town!
The food was amazing! I’d never heard of it before so I guess I’m just lucky my friend was in the loop!